Recite Help: User Interface


When you upload a paper to Recite, the results page may feel a little daunting at first. In this guide we'll do a thorough run down of the interface, making your Recite experience super easy.

Before we start...

Once you've uploaded a document, you may see a dialog similar to the below.

Screenshot showing the dialog window that appears when Recite thinks it might have incorrectly interpreted references

To ensure Recite is confident that it's parsed your reference list correctly, it uses two different mechanisms to do this. When these mechanisms disagree, the dialog above is shown.

The message will give you an approximate location of where the issue might be, but ultimately there might not be an issue at all. Simply look at your reference list entries around the area indicated (two references either side) and make sure that there isn't a reference that's split in two, or two references joined together. If you find Recite has indeed got it wrong, ensure that there aren't any additional line breaks (or lack of) in your original document that might be causing an issue.

As mentioned above, if Recite appears to have correctly split up your reference list (check by closing the dialog and looking at the reference list section behind), you can simply ignore the message (clicking the "x" to close it).

If your document looks fine and you can't see why Recite is splitting it incorrectly, you can use the "adjust" feature which is described in Reference list issues > Using Adjust

Top bar

We'll start from the top of the page and work our way down, introducing and describing each feature as we go.

The black bar along the top of the results page, has a few different options that affect the results as a whole.

Screenshot showing the top bar options within Recite results page

Next to the "Results" heading, you'll see two icons that switch between the standard view and the two different split screen views.

Screenshot showing the results page view options

The first is selected by default and shows the results in the standard way (with each section on top of one another).

The second switches to our split screen view. Read our split screen usage guide for more info.

Screenshot showing split screen default view

The next item is the "Start Again" link which takes you back to the upload screen. Essentially, "start again with a new upload".

Next, is the style switching drop-down. Here, you can select the style that you need to check your work as. The default is APA (7th) [Edition], but you can select from a few other options by dropping down this list. The results page reloads instantly when you change to a different style.

Screenshot showing reference style selection drop-down

After our style switcher we have "Print Settings". Clicking this brings up some settings related to printing your results. This allows you to customise the print output slightly -

Screenshot showing print options dialog

Simply update any of these settings and close the dialog - there's no save button, it's auto saved.

Note: these print settings are saved for the current document only. Further uploads (even of the same document), will revert to the default settings.

Our last option is "Download PDF" (paid plans only), which requests a downloadable PDF of the results. The PDF respects the print settings in the previous section, so you can choose the text size and toggle the inclusion of the annotated article section.

Note: Depending on the size of your document, it can take a little while to generate your PDF and make it available for download. If you have any issues, try using the "Print to PDF" or "Save to PDF" feature in your web browser instead.

Screenshot showing PDF generation dialog

Main results interface

The main results are presented in three sections, which are collapsed by default.

Screenshot showing main 3 sections collapsed within Recite

As shown in the screenshot above, the three sections are:

Clicking on any of those titles, expands that section to view the detailed information within. Clicking again will hide that section.

Screenshot showing in-text section expanded

The numbers at the end of the first two sections describe the number of possible issues and the total number of items. For example, a heading of "In-Text Citations [11/20]" (shown below) means Recite detected 20 in-text citations, within which it found 11 possible issues that need reviewing.

Screenshot showing in-text section heading with numbers for issues and total

In-Text Citations section

When expanded, this section reveals the full breakdown of the possible issues that Recite has detected. By default, Recite hides those citations which exactly match a reference list entry, just displaying those with potential problems.

In the top right of the section, once expanded, a help icon is displayed, which when hovered, offers some additional assistance.

Screenshot showing in-text help hover

Above the actual citations, this section provides some filters, which allow you to show/hide certain items within the list.

Screenshot showing in-text section filters

From the screenshot, we can see these are:

The citations listed are colour coded according to the type of issue Recite has detected:

Screenshot showing in orange - style warning

The above is orange is it's a "style warning". The citation exactly matches a reference, but the author has formatted their "et al." incorrectly (missed a dot/period).

When you hover over a citation in the list, Recite reveals some additional options related to that specific citation.

Screenshot showing options revealed on hover of citations

From the screenshot, we can see these options are:

Reference List section

When expanded, this sections shows all of the reference list entries that Recite detected in the uploaded document. As in the in-text citations sections, a help icon is included to give some additional assistance with this section.

Screenshot showing reference list help hover

Above the actual reference list entries, this section provides some filters, which allow you to show/hide certain items within the list, along with some additional features.

Screenshot showing available filters for the reference list section

From the screenshot, we can see these are:

Moving on to the actual references listed, again Recite colour codes these:

Screenshot showing a reference list entry with its colour highlighted (red in this case)

The example above shows a reference list entry that has an issue, so its number is contained in a red circle.

The references are shown in full, as detected by Recite. Always check that Recite has detected your list properly; has it started in the right place (is the first one your first reference), does it end correctly (is the last one shown your last reference). Also, scan down your list and check that Recite hasn't incorrectly joined two references together, or split one in half. If Recite hasn't detected your list correctly, this can throw off the results within the "In-Text Citations" section, so it's always good to spend a couple of minutes ensuring they look right.

If Recite has joined two references together, check the original document, to ensure the first doesn't end in a character that could be interpreted as a continuation signal (a hyphen for example), and the second has the required elements of a reference (one or more authors, a date portion and a title as a minimum). If you make an adjustment to the original document to correct something, simple save and reupload to see if Recite is then parsing it correctly. If your document looks fine and you can't see why Recite is splitting it incorrectly, you can use the "adjust" feature which is described in Reference list issues > Using Adjust

If Recite has split a reference in two, the same principle applies - check your document to see if there might be something triggering this. More than likely this is down to one or more line breaks or other whitespace that makes Recite think it's not connected as it should be. Simply correct the issue and reupload, or use the "adjust" feature described above, if you can't fix it in the document directly.

For each reference in the list, Recite will display on the final line - "Found in document: n" or "Not found in document", indicating whether (and how many times) a citation refers exactly to this reference or whether no matches were found.

Screenshot showing a reference list entry marked as 'found in document: 7'

In the above example, Recite has found 7 citations that refer to that reference.

Additionally, either of these messages can be appended with "+n possible matches", indicating that a number (n) of citations have non-exact matches with this reference. A possible (non-exact) match here is likely to be a typo in either the citation or the reference. The "+n possible matches is clickable and brings up the citations that might be a match.

Screenshot showing possible matches for a given reference

At the end of this line, Recite will also show any alphabetisation issues, if applicable. Refer to the "Alphabetical order issues" section above, or the guide linked to from it, for further information.

The reference itself is shown with the author and date information displayed in black text and the remaining information (title, journal, page number etc.) all greyed out slightly. This is done to differentiate between the portion that Recite checks for additional issues, and the portion it doesn't. The author/date bit is checked for (a list of) possible stylistic issues (missing comma/dot etc.), whereas the remaining portion is unchecked.

Screenshot showing which bits of a reference are checked by Recite

Google Scholar, Crossref and DOIs

When you hover over a reference list entry within Recite, you are presented with a series of options:

Screenshot showing the hover state for a reference list entry

  1. GS
  2. DOI*
  3. CR*
  4. Adjust
  5. (APA only)

Note: Those options marked with * only appear where relevant

Each option performs some functionality on that specific reference list entry -

Annotated article section

Our guide annotated article explained covers this section in depth.